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Beware of Quiet Quitters | Take it Up with Tony

Blogs Tony Accardo March 13, 2023

Trimming the fat is essential for any team to reach their highest level of success. Not only that, but it ensures your team is comprised of individuals who are passionate and dedicated to the task at hand. Robert Refkin's recent memo may have been criticized, but his message is clear: look out for those who are not putting in their best efforts and make sure those who are thriving receive the recognition they deserve.
It's up to each team leader to create an environment where the team members can thrive, but also one that holds everyone accountable for their actions. This means constructing a system of feedback and rewards for top performers while cutting out those who don't meet expectations.
Ultimately, what Robert Refkin is asking us to do is create a team of people who are genuinely engaged and passionate about the project. With that, we can rest assured that everyone is doing their part to reach our goals. Robert Refkin may have made some waves with his memo, but this type of accountability is essential for any team wanting to achieve success.
That is our job as leaders, and agents are no different. Look, I know it's controversial, but when Elon Musk fired a bunch of people at Twitter and then on top of that, a bunch of other people started walking out of the job! Isn’t that a great way of slicing out the people that aren’t performing well? People that were threatened by being asked to work harder because a new CEO came in have walked out of the job… kind of worked out in his favor, didn’t it? 
The bottom line is: if you want your team to excel, it's essential to look for the “quiet quitters” and underperformers and make sure those who are doing great work receive recognition. What are your thoughts on Quiet Quitters?

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Looking to buy or sell a home in Palos Verdes or the South Bay? Or just looking for some reliable real estate advice and knowledge from a credible resource? Reach out to us today to schedule a meeting to talk!
Tony Accardo 
310.855.3557 | [email protected]

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Tony and his team set out to be not just the best possible realtors but also trusted resources. Their experience goes well beyond their years as South Bay's top-producing Realtors®.